It's been exactly 1 year since I was part of the Shadows blog tour so I was happy to be a part of another blog tour for book #2, Haze. Make sure to follow the rest of the tour, you can click here for the full list, as there will be lots of fun things happening! Character reveals, reviews, giveaways and more. Happy Reading!

Publisher: Tundra Books
ISBN: 978-1-7704-9550-0
Pages: 448
Series: The Rephaim, #2
Source: Finished copy from publisher for honest review and participation in blog tour! Thank you so much.
Goodreads Synopsis:
Gaby Winters' life used to be pretty normal. She lived with her best friend. She worked in a library. She was slowly getting over the death of her twin brother, Jude. And then Rafa came looking for her. With him, her blood-soaked nightmares stopped. But now they are reality. She is one of the Rephaim - a wingless half angel, descended from the Fallen. Demons exist and they are hunting her.
She knows she's alive when she's meant to be dead. And that means maybe Jude is too. So why isn't she out there looking for him?
My Review:
We pick up one week after Shadows. Gaby and Rafa have been through so much and trust me, it's not over yet! In book two, we are re-introduced to the kick-ass heroine, Gaby who had held her head up high through all of this. (Thinking her brother was dead, to being told he could still be alive. Living life like a regular girl to find out she's got a whole life behind her that she can't remember and that includes being Rephiam, and so on) Rafa, who opens up a little more in Haze and could kick your butt with his eyes closed and Maggie who was brought into all of this unknowingly and hasn't given up on her friendship yet. We meet new characters too, that you will only meet when you read Haze yourself!
While I thought book #2 was going to revolve around finding Jude, it isn't just that. There is so much more to it! Twisted in with this plot we obviously meet more important characters (in barns and cornfields), we meet fellow Rephaim, and dig a little more into the past. There is so much revealed and so many new things to look forward to in book #3. At times I found it a little overwhelming with everyone and everything but with a clear head I was able to regroup myself. When one thing was resolved, 2 more issues would be brought up. We're definitely going to need book three and four to wrap up the series.
The last few chapters, I swear I read while holding my breath! The fast-paced, intense, action packed scene with that cliffhanger at the end? Really?! It was just too much! Haze comes with an excerpt of Shimmer, book #3 and I don't usually read those excerpts because it's too much of a tease, but let me tell you, I may be diving into it before I know it just to satisfy that need to know.
Paula Weston has created this world and these characters that come to life on the pages. The world she created has everything a reader looks for - a thick plot, friendships, enemies, romance, though the romance isn't overdone, it's just enough to make your pulse quicken, and fighting! The fight scenes are so much fun! Paula has put so much thought into her writing that the scenes are vivid and the fun Aussie feel is great!
If you haven't read this series, you might want to! Even if you don't love angels and hellbeasts and hellions, you'll find something in Paula Weston's Rephaim's series that you will love!
Fun Stuff:
This time with the blog tour, we were sent a few questions to answer, then Paula Weston would take those answers and show us which Rephaim character we were most like. Turns out...
That is awesome! Maggie is such a sweet and loyal friend. Her favourite ways to relax? Knitting, sewing and being crafty. While I may not knit or sew, I certainly would rather sit down and read. You know, nothing too extreme! Oh, and we share a favourite food - scallops. Yummy!
The Author
Celia Southcombe, Flow Photography
The lovely people over at Tundra Books are giving away a signed hardcover of Shadows and a hardcover of Haze to THREE lucky blog tour followers. All you have to do is follow the blog tour, post a comment on the blog post, and you're in! Good luck.
Love this series!
I know what you mean when you stated that you were holding your breath while reading. Sounds great.
This sounds like a great series, really would love to read!
Thank you for the information, Your information is very helpful for us
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