Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Matter of...Life and Death?

Happy Anniversary Twilight. 10 Years! I'll be honest here, I really liked Twilight. I read the books and loved them so much. My boyfriend/hubby and I would spend hours at our local Chapters and Starbucks just wondering around. I didn't read a whole lot back then, but loved the atmosphere of the bookstore and was always on the lookout for new books. This was when I (and I still do sometimes!) judged books solely by their covers. I vividly remember walking by Twilight (piled on a bottom shelf at the end of an aisle) and I thought to myself "that looks like a good book". Simple, yet inciting. And I'm almost 100% sure it was that same night that my boyfriend/hubby picked up Twilight and showed it to me and said that he thought I'd read something like that. So I figured it was obvious that it would be my next read. I devoured it, and told everyone I knew about this love story between a Vampire and girl that wasn't a scary vampire story. I told them that there were twists and turns, and these dreamy characters that anyone could fall for. I loved every minute of my journey through Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. Come 3 years from the beginning, and I'm waiting for Breaking Dawn to be released. This is where things started to bother me a bit. I admit, I hated what Twilight had become. It was this franchise where readers became obsessed and sometimes that gave us a bad name. Like so many other things out there that gain popularity like this did, Twilight was criticized - for being so poorly written, and lame, with terrible character development. And Bella was a needy, dependent, whiny character and blah blah blah. It became a cliche..."Oh you like Twilight? *rolls eyes and let the judging begin*. What happened to the books that I read, and loved for the whole story? The emotion, and the old charm from Edward? Or the playful friend, Jacob? But I did go to the midnight release of Breaking Dawn, and I had a blue, ice cold drink to represent Edwards cold, heartless self. I donned the tattoos, and ogled at the people who dressed up. I waited in line to buy the book, and stayed up all night/morning to read it.

Ten years after all of this, after reading Twilight and re-reading it (and re-reading it again) We are back at the beginning again. This time with Life and Death. When I saw that there was a new "re-imagined" Twilight I did get a little excited! I pictured something in my head and was excited to read a new version of Twilight. But when I actually looked at the book, and saw what it was, I was disappointed! A gender swap of the characters? That's it? So instead of Bella and Edward, we get Beaufort and Edythe? Bring on the cheese. Seriously! So I've done a little reading and researching, and have seen nothing good said about Life and Death. I'm disappointed that we didn't get Midnight Sun and now to find out that Life and Death is almost the same book written word for word minus the characters names. How come we couldn't celebrate 10 years with something epic? Something that the 10 year wait would have been worth waiting for!

Has anyone actually read it? What are your thoughts?

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